The Highlights of using Australian Native Foods

The Highlights of using Australian Native Foods

Some highlights for using native foods are:

  • They are Nutritious 
  • Australian made
  • Supports Australian Farmers
  • Provides Indigenous Communities with employment and Industry Opportunities
  • Keeps ancient knowledge about native foods alive
  • Creates awareness and discussion for Indigenous culture and their history of using native foods
  • They have amazing rich unusual flavours and aromas unique to this country
  • They have medicinal benefits
  • They have cosmetic benefits
  • They have botanical oils which can be used in aromatherapy 
  • Creates an opportunity for new product development for all Australians
  • Creates a native food and botanical industry that is strong into the future
  • Protects the native biodiversity within Australia
  • Large commercial crops can be created due to a growing demand 
  • Creates an export opportunity for Australia
  • Provides new hobby farmers with an opportunity to grow niche crops
  • Eating local foods is great for the environment with less pollution
  • Creates a feeling of unity amongst all Australians

Without local and global usage of native foods the above cannot happen.

Hope you enjoy using the wonderful local foods of Australia
